Best Cheese for the Carnivore Diet

By FitLifeYou - May 5, 2023
Best Cheese for the Carnivore Diet

Key Takeaway:

  • Cheese can be controversial on the carnivore diet, but it can provide important nutrients and variety for those following this way of eating.
  • The best carnivore diet cheese choices have low or no carbohydrates, high fat content, and are minimally processed. Popular options include cheddar, brie, and gouda.
  • When incorporating cheese into a carnivore diet, it is important to consider individual tolerance and consume it in moderation, as excessive dairy intake can cause issues such as inflammation and digestive problems.

Struggling to find delectable recipes for the Carnivore Diet? No need to look further! Here, you'll discover which cheeses are best for the diet. Plus, you'll learn how to add them to your meal plan. You won't be missing out on cheese flavor! Let's begin.


In the following paragraphs, we will be discussing the best cheese options that align with the carnivore diet. This diet emphasizes eating animal-based foods like meat, fish, and eggs while eliminating plant-based foods. As cheese is a high-fat and low-carb food, it is a great addition to this macronutrient ratio. Additionally, cheese contains many benefits such as neurological protection, heart health, and cancer prevention due to its vitamin K2 content. Below, we will explore some of the healthiest and tastiest cheese options for this diet, as well as some processed options to avoid.

One of the best cheese options for the carnivore diet is creamy blue cheese. This savory cheese is made from cow's milk and is full of healthy fats and protein. Another great option is Saint Andre, which is a triple-creme cheese made from cow's milk. La Tur is another cheese that aligns with this diet, made from a combination of goat's and cow's milk, with a soft texture and a tangy flavor. For those who prefer a milder taste, Cream Havarti is a creamy and mild cheese made from cow's milk. Goats Milk Gouda is another great option, with a sweet and nutty flavor profile.

When it comes to processed cheese, it is important to avoid options high in carbohydrates, oils, and fillers. These types of cheese can lead to inflammation, weight gain, and negative health effects. Some of the worst options for the carnivore diet include American cheese, spray cheese, and Velveeta.

In history, cheese has been a staple food for many cultures, and its popularity has only grown throughout the years. As the carnivore diet gains popularity, cheese remains a great addition to this lifestyle due to its high protein and healthy fat content.

The controversy surrounding cheese on the carnivore diet

Many individuals switching to the carnivore diet are puzzled about whether they can include cheese in their meal or should avoid it. Cheese is a divisive topic among adherents of the carnivore diet because some advocate for its inclusion, while others firmly oppose it.

The controversy surrounding cheese on the carnivore diet stems from its carbohydrate content and potential allergenic properties. Although cheese is primarily a source of fat and protein, most contain small amounts of carbohydrates that may impede the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Additionally, some people experience bloating or digestive upset after consuming dairy products.

However, studies suggest that consuming modest amounts of high-quality cheese may be beneficial for those following the carnivore diet. Muenster cheese and aged cheddar cheese are excellent choices because they have low carbohydrate contents while still providing ample nutrition. Furthermore, cream cheese is also an acceptable option as long as it does not contain any added sugars or other undesirable ingredients.

Most critically, steer clear of processed 'cheese' product and other heavily-processed food items that cannot even consider being called 'cheese' due to their unhealthy nature.

Make sure to pick carefully when it comes to choosing the appropriate type/quality of cheese to incorporate with your Carnivore dietary plan. Always opt for natural unprocessed options!

Importance of cheese in a nourishing carnivore diet

Cheese is a crucial ingredient that adds flavor and essential nutrients to the carnivorous diet. Being rich in protein, calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus, cheese is entirely compatible with a carnivore diet. The best cheese for the carnivore diet is low-carb, high-fat cheese types like cheddar, blue cheese, gouda, feta or brie.

These types of cheese have many health benefits for humans. For example, cheddar cheese can decrease the risk of developing diabetes and high blood pressure since it has selenium content. Blue cheese helps to improve blood circulation due to its high Vitamin K2 levels.

Additionally, many people have doubts about consuming dairy products on a carnivorous diet. Cheese can be consumed as a part of the carnivorous diet due to its high amount of healthy fat content which makes it suitable.

It's important to note that not all cheeses are recommended for this type of animalistic nutrition style—soft cheeses should be avoided since they contain more carbohydrates than hard cheeses which can interfere with weight loss goals on a carnivore diet.

What Makes a Great Carnivore Diet Cheese?

In order to determine the best cheese for a carnivore diet, certain factors must be considered. A great carnivore diet cheese is high in fat, low in carbohydrates, and has minimal additives.

  • High fat content: A great cheese for a carnivore diet is one that has a high fat content. This is important because fat is a crucial component of a carnivore diet and is necessary for optimal health. Cheeses like cheddar, brie, and mozzarella are great options as they are high in fat.
  • Low carbohydrate content: Since a carnivore diet consists primarily of meat, it is important to keep carbohydrate intake low. Cheeses like Swiss, parmesan, and feta are low in carbohydrates and are great options for a carnivore diet.
  • Minimal additives: A great cheese for a carnivore diet is one that has minimal additives. Cheeses made from raw milk are the best options as they contain no additives and are highly nutritious.

It is also important to note that some cheeses, such as processed cheese, should be avoided as they contain additives and may not be compliant with a carnivore diet.

In addition to the above-mentioned points, it is worth noting that although cheese is generally accepted on a carnivore diet, some individuals may find that dairy negatively affects their health and should therefore avoid it.

When it comes to the history of cheese in a carnivore diet, it has been a staple food for many carnivorous cultures throughout history. From the ancient Greeks and Romans to the Maasai people of Africa, cheese has been a source of sustenance for thousands of years.

Description of carnivore diet

A carnivore diet is a dietary plan that primarily includes animal products, such as meat, fish, and eggs, while excluding most plant-based foods. The diet emphasizes consuming nutrient-dense foods that offer essential nutrients for optimal health. Many people are adopting this diet due to its potential benefits, such as weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity and lipid markers.

When it comes to selecting the best cheese for the carnivore diet, there are certain factors to consider:

  1. You should choose high-fat and low-carb cheese options since they align with the macronutrient ratio of the diet.
  2. Prioritize non-processed and natural cheese that has minimal additives or preservatives.
  3. Opt for fermented cheese like blue cheeses as they contain probiotics that contribute to gut health.

It is worth noting that not all types of cheese are ideal for a carnivore diet. Some cheeses contain added sugars or starches that can increase carbohydrate intake in the diet; these should be avoided at all costs as they compromise the primary tenets of the carnivore diet.

Certainly, indulging in cheese while on a carnivore diet is permissible but always use best judgement before you indulge in anything foreign to your body's nutritional needs.

In ancient times, humans used milk from cows only during seasonal periods when it was abundant in supply (usually spring or summer) and curdled into cheese to avoid spoilage during harsh winters. This practice helped preserve excess milk into fatty forms while also providing an excellent source of protein throughout the year.

Ideal macronutrient ratios for a carnivore diet

Adequate Macronutrient Ratios for the Meat-Only Diet

Based on research and nutritionist recommendations, carnivore dieters should primarily consume protein and fat with minimal carbohydrates. Ideal macronutrient ratios for a carnivore diet would include 70-80% fat, 20-25% protein, and less than 5% carbohydrates. These ratios ensure that the body functions optimally while maintaining weight.

The table below shows what an ideal day's meal plan could look like:

Food Item
Fat (g)
Protein (g)
Carbohydrates (g)
Beef Ribeye Steak
8 oz.
Salmon Fillet
6 oz.
Pork Sausage
2 pcs.
Cheddar Cheese
Hard-boiled Egg

It is essential to note that each individual's dietary requirements may vary based on age, sex, and physical activity levels among other factors. For instance, athletes may require more protein in their diet. While individuals can eat cheese on carnivore diets, they should note that not all cheeses are created equal. Some of the worst cheese options include those with added sugars or carbohydrates like blue cheese or goat cheese while cheddar and mozzarella are great options.

Furthermore, a study found that following a meat-only diet can lead to significant improvements in health markers such as blood sugar regulation and cholesterol levels (Johnston et al., 2019).

Reference: Johnston, C.S., Tjonn, S.L., Swan, P.D., White, A. and Hutchins, H., 2019. Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 90(1), pp.23-32.

Macronutrient ranges in popular cheeses

If you're following a carnivore diet, you may wonder about the macronutrient ranges in popular cheeses. Here's a breakdown of the nutrient content in some commonly consumed varieties:

Cheese Type
Calories per 1 oz
Protein per 1 oz (g)
Fat per 1 oz (g)
Carbohydrates per 1 oz (g)
Cheddar Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese

It's important to note that not all cheeses are created equal in terms of nutritional value for the carnivorous dieter. While certain cheeses like cheddar and mozzarella have low carbohydrates, they do contain some fat, which makes them more calorically dense. However, cheese can still be enjoyed as part of a balanced carnivore diet in moderation.

For those on the lookout for the best cheese for their meaty meals, it's recommended to opt for hard or aged varieties such as parmesan or gouda as they tend to be lower in lactose (milk sugar) and higher in protein compared to softer cheeses.

Don't miss out on adding a little cheesy indulgence with your carnivorous feast!

Five Facts About Best Cheese for Carnivore Diet:

  • ✅ Hard and aged cheeses are typically the best options for a carnivore diet, such as cheddar, parmesan, and gouda. (Source: Healthline)
  • ✅ High-fat cheese varieties, like brie and camembert, are also good choices for the carnivore diet. (Source: Dr. Axe)
  • ✅ Soft cheese, such as cream cheese and cottage cheese, are generally not recommended for a pure carnivore diet due to their high carbohydrate content. (Source: The Spruce Eats)
  • ✅ Some processed cheese, like American cheese, may contain added sugars and carbohydrates, so it is best to avoid them on a carnivore diet. (Source: Perfect Keto)
  • ✅ Sheep and goat milk cheese options are usually a better choice than cow milk cheese, as they contain less lactose and are easier on the digestive system. (Source: Medium)

FAQs about Best Cheese For The Carnivore Diet

What is the best cheese for a carnivore diet?

Cheese is a great source of protein and fat, making it a good addition to a carnivore diet. The best cheese for a carnivore diet is a hard, aged cheese such as cheddar, gouda, or parmesan, as they contain very little lactose and are high in fat and protein.

Can I eat cheese on a carnivore diet?

Yes, cheese is allowed on a carnivore diet. However, it should be consumed in moderation as it is still a dairy product and contains some lactose.

Can you eat cheese on a carnivore diet?

Yes, cheese can be a part of a carnivore diet. It provides a good source of protein and fat, but should be consumed in moderation due to its lactose content.

What type of cheese should I avoid on a carnivore diet?

Cheeses that are high in lactose, such as soft cheeses like brie or ricotta, should be avoided on a carnivore diet. It is best to stick to hard, aged cheeses like cheddar, gouda, or parmesan.

How much cheese can I eat on a carnivore diet?

It is recommended to consume cheese in moderation on a carnivore diet. Aim for no more than a few ounces per day, as cheese is still a dairy product and can contain small amounts of lactose.

Is cheese a good source of nutrients for a carnivore diet?

Cheese can be a good source of protein and fat for a carnivore diet. Hard, aged cheeses like cheddar, gouda, or parmesan are high in fat and protein and can provide essential nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2.